Provide value. Create revenue.

Create and monetize high value propositions for your customers and members.
Have a read before we have a chat

You’re Sitting on a Fascinating Opportunity

You Know What They Need

You know the strategy and planning frameworks that would benefit your customers, members or portfolio.

Create Propositions and Products

You can create amazing propositions within hours that are high value and relevant to your customers or sector. Distribute these at scale.

Save Them Time, Energy & Money

Provide off the shelf excellence - save them huge amounts of time and money whilst providing them with best practice tools and techniques.

Watch Growth Happen

Create $500K plus revenues for yourselves whilst adding serious value to your customers, sector or drive the performance of your portfolio.
The most interesting conversation you’ll have all year

Lucidity Studio Is a Game Changer for You...

Choose a date and time and we’ll send you a calendar invite. We’re already looking forward to it. Speak soon!

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

Hear from some of our amazing Studio customers who are innovating and growing
"GrowCFO is delighted with Lucidity Studio and we enjoy a fantastic working relationship with their team, who are always incredibly helpful. It is great to work together to achieve GrowCFO's mission of getting CFOs more involved in the design, build and implementation of their company's strategy. Creating and monetising frameworks and business tools is both simple and very scalable."
Dan Wells,
"Bâton Global has had experience with several strategic planning platforms and was immediately attracted to the elegant and simple design and operation of Lucidity Studio. Clients appreciate a robust set of functionality that can be widely shared. Support from the Lucidity team is wonderful – they’re truly concerned with our ability to serve and support our clients.
Wade Britt
CEO, Baton Global
"Lucidity Studio is a great platform for Portalus, allowing us to create highly relevant and valuable propositions for our members that help their businesses move forward by saving them significant time and money. They can get into executing plans rather than trying to figure out what it is they need to do. The Lucidity team have been great in helping us shape the propositions."
Jim Roop
SVP Portalus

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does this take to set up?
We can have you up and running and generating revenues in less that 30 days and we only need 4 days of your time to get someone trained, help you get your first propositions built and then launched.
Can we have a free trial?
Unfortunately not. This is a high value business activity (for you) that requires a lot of work (from us) and we can’t provide all of that technology, help and insight for free.
What's the commercial model?
We charge a set up fee and license the platform to you. Beyond that you are in control of creating and monetizing all your products and propositions and 100% of the revenue & profit is yours. Fill your boots.
Do you provide training and advice?
Yes we do. You just need about 0.5 day of training  to understand how to leverage the platform & create propositions. We are always happy to share advice and ideas on how you can create valuable propositions for your customers and drive revenue.
What’s the service model?
We are focused on all the technology and supporting you with a Helpdesk and other ongoing support. You are focused on creating and monetizing propositions that your customers love and looking after them. We have a vibrant roadmap the platform with all sorts of new functionality regularly added and that's included in the licence.

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