Pricing Strategy Guide

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Getting your pricing ‘right’ can be one of the most powerful drivers of profitability for your business, yet studies have shown that, on average, businesses spend no more than six hours a year working on their pricing !In this definitive guide we’ll work through tools to give you practical steps to assess your pricing and make the right decision for your market, customers and business.

You can learn about :

  • Competitive Strategy – an important foundation for your approach to pricing
  • Customer alternatives – to help decide where you should position your offering
  • Price sensitivity – how to assess consumer price preferences in your market
  • Cost Plus Pricing – what it is and how to decide if it’s right for your business
  • Competitive Based Pricing – the pros and cons of tracking your competitor’s pricing
  • Value Based Pricing – how to determine what your ‘value’ is and how this can drive profits

…and if you want to discuss any of this just get in touch