How Can Consultancies Avoid being Substituted by AI?

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Periodically, certain sectors come under significant disruption, substitution or existential threat. Mostly that threat comes from technological change of some description. Not always digital – think horses & the combustion engine – but there are many digital examples. Arguably the consultancy sector is seeing some significant disruption and substitution right now from the AI products recently released and seeing rapid improvement. Why search for an appropriate consultant, arrange and wait for a meeting and then get a project done on a $1000 day rate when you can subscribe to an LLM for $20 a month and get some acceptable ideas and answers in a couple of minutes. Of course this isn’t going to substitute all consultancy work, but it’s going to eat up a significant minority of work and practices.

So how should consultancies adjust to compete with this substitution and avoid it becoming an existential threat?  

Competing with AI as a consultant involves leveraging human strengths and qualities that AI currently cannot replicate fully, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and deep contextual understanding. Here are some strategies to maintain competitiveness in an AI-augmented world:

1. Emphasize Human-Centric Skills

  • Emotional intelligence: Cultivate strong interpersonal skills, empathy, and the ability to understand and navigate human emotions. This is crucial for leadership coaching, conflict resolution, and team building, where human touch is irreplaceable. You don’t have to become a coach to introduce a coaching style into your approach & culture.
  • Creativity and innovation: Use your creativity to solve complex problems in unique ways. AI can assist with data processing and pattern recognition, but the human ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions is a distinct advantage. Client decision making is more nuanced than most people appreciate. Be aware of that and leverage it.  
  • Contextual understanding: Deepen your expertise in specific industries or areas where understanding nuances and context is key. Your ability to grasp the broader implications of industry changes and decisions of a specific timing, cultural, social, or organizational context adds significant value.

2. Focus on Strategy and Decision Making

  • Strategic advisory: Position yourself as a strategic advisor who can interpret AI-generated data and insights to form high-level strategies. This involves not just understanding the data but also advising on its implications for the future direction of a business or project. How can you change your approach to do this?  
  • Ethical considerations: Guide clients through the ethical implications of using AI in their operations, including bias, privacy concerns, and impact on the workforce. Your insight can help businesses navigate these complex issues responsibly.

4. Build Strong Relationships

  • Networking: Strengthen your network by connecting with other professionals, both in and out of your field. A robust network can provide support, opportunities, and insights that AI cannot offer.
  • Trust and reliability: Build trust with your clients by being reliable, consistent, and genuinely invested in their success. The trust factor is a significant competitive edge over AI.
  • Reconsider your online presence – when was the last time you put some time/effort/money into your website, SEO and social presence & activity. Look super current with engaging content.  

5. Specialize and Differentiate

  • Niche expertise: Develop deep expertise in niches where AI cannot easily replace human judgment and intuition. Specializing in areas that require a high level of craftsmanship, cultural sensitivity, or ethical judgment can set you apart.
  • Personal brand: Cultivate a strong personal brand that highlights your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. Your personal brand can showcase the value you bring that goes beyond what AI can offer.

6. Leverage AI to Your Advantage

  • Use AI tools yourselves: Incorporate AI tools into your workflow to enhance your productivity and the quality of your insights. By using AI for data analysis, trend prediction, or administrative tasks, you can free up more time for high-value, human-centric work.
  • Create & offer hybrid solutions: Offer solutions that integrate human expertise with AI capabilities, demonstrating how they can complement each other rather than compete.
  • Continuous learning: Stay abreast of developments in AI and related technologies. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, you can better position yourself as an expert who knows how to integrate human skills with AI tools effectively.
  • Adapt your services: Adapt your consulting services to complement AI, such as offering AI implementation strategy, change management for AI adoption, or training for teams to work effectively with AI tools.

In summary, the key to competing with AI as a consultant lies in emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human intelligence, creativity, and emotional connection, while also embracing AI as a tool that can enhance your offerings. By focusing on areas where human insight is paramount and continuously adapting your skills, you can remain competitive and valuable in an increasingly AI-driven world.

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